Admissions Academic Request Form (ARF)

  • Admissions Academic Request Forms (ARF) are designed for students who think they have extenuating circumstances that impact their ability to meet application criteria.
  • This form does NOT need to be filled out if an applicant satisfies all application criteria.
  • If a student has extenuating circumstances that make them think they are an excellent candidate for GVSU's PAS program despite not meeting one or more of the published application criteria, they may appeal in writing to the PAS Admission Committee by completing an ARF.
  • To complete an ARF, students must complete the ARF form and provide ALL supporting documentation (including unofficial transcripts from ALL schools attended).
  • Completed ARFs and supporting documentation can be submitted via email to  Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing of the ARF. All ARF decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
  • The deadline for ARF submission is July 15 in the year of application.  NO LATE ARF FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
  • If your request is granted, you will have until September 1 in the year of application to complete the CASPA application and GVSU supplemental form.
  • ARFs expire after the completion of the current application cycle and must be resubmitted for every application cycle in which the student applies.

Page last modified February 23, 2024